South Gate Dental Clinic
8617 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
(323) 999-BEST

Periodontics at South Gate Dental Clinic

we specialize in periodontics to address gum disease and maintain optimal oral health. Our skilled periodontists offer a range of treatments, including scaling and root planing, gum grafting, and laser therapy, to restore the health of your gums and supporting structures. With personalized care and advanced techniques, we strive to prevent, diagnose, and treat periodontal issues effectively, helping you maintain a healthy smile for years to come. Trust us for expert periodontal care at South Gate Dental Clinic.


Perio Surgery

Perio surgery at South Gate Dental Clinic offers advanced treatments to restore gum health and protect your smile. If you're struggling with gum disease or have concerns about your periodontal health, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Perio Surgery at South Gate Dental Clinic: Restoring Gum Health with Advanced Treatments
If you're suffering from gum disease and conservative treatments have not been effective, perio surgery at South Gate Dental Clinic offers advanced solutions to restore your gum health and protect your smile. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of perio surgery, the conditions it addresses, and how our experienced periodontists ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

perio surgery

Soft Tissue Grafting

Soft tissue grafting at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a reliable solution to restore gum health and aesthetics, enhancing the beauty and functionality of your smile. If you're experiencing gum recession or have concerns about your gum tissue, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Soft Tissue Grafting at South Gate Dental Clinic: Enhancing Gum Health and Aesthetics
If you're experiencing gum recession or have concerns about the appearance of your smile due to inadequate gum tissue, soft tissue grafting at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a solution to restore both gum health and aesthetics. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of soft tissue grafting, the conditions it addresses, and how our experienced periodontists ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.


Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a reliable solution to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your smile. If you're unhappy with the appearance of your smile or have concerns about your gum tissue, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Crown Lengthening at South Gate Dental Clinic: Achieving Balance and Symmetry for Your Smile
If you're unhappy with the appearance of your smile due to excess gum tissue or short teeth, crown lengthening at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a solution to achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of crown lengthening, the conditions it addresses, and how our experienced periodontists ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.


Dental Implants

Dental implants at South Gate Dental Clinic offer a transformative solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile's strength and beauty. If you're considering dental implants or would like to learn more about your tooth replacement options, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Your Path to a Confident Smile
Are you missing one or more teeth and seeking a permanent solution that looks and feels natural? Dental implants at South Gate Dental Clinic offer a reliable and durable option to restore your smile's strength, function, and beauty. In this article, we'll explore the transformative benefits of dental implants and how our expert team can help you regain confidence in your smile.


Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning at South Gate Dental Clinic is a vital treatment for restoring gum health and preventing periodontal disease. If you're experiencing symptoms of gum disease or are due for a routine dental cleaning, contact us today to schedule an appointment with our experienced hygienists.

Deep Cleaning at South Gate Dental Clinic: Comprehensive Care for Healthy Gums
Deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a non-surgical procedure performed to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from below the gumline and smooth the tooth roots. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our skilled team specializes in deep cleaning procedures to restore gum health and prevent periodontal disease. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of deep cleaning, the conditions it addresses, and how our experienced hygienists ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.


Sinus Augmentation

Sinus augmentation at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a reliable solution to enhance the success and longevity of dental implants in the posterior maxilla. If you're considering dental implant treatment or have concerns about bone volume in the upper jaw, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced oral surgeons.

Sinus Augmentation at South Gate Dental Clinic: Elevating Dental Implant Success
Sinus augmentation, also known as a sinus lift, is a surgical procedure that increases the bone height in the upper jaw to facilitate the placement of dental implants. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our skilled team specializes in sinus augmentation procedures to enhance the success and longevity of dental implants. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of sinus augmentation, the conditions it addresses, and how our experienced oral surgeons ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.


Gum contouring

Gum contouring at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a safe and effective solution to enhance the beauty of your smile. If you're unhappy with the appearance of your gum line or have concerns about excess gum tissue, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Gum Contouring at South Gate Dental Clinic: Crafting Beautiful Smiles with Precision
Gum contouring, also known as gum reshaping or gingival sculpting, is a cosmetic dental procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the gum line by removing excess gum tissue or reshaping uneven gums. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our skilled team specializes in gum contouring procedures to create symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing smiles. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of gum contouring, the conditions it addresses, and how our experienced periodontists ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.


Gum Grafting

Gum grafting at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a reliable solution to restore gum health and aesthetics, enhancing the beauty and functionality of your smile. If you're experiencing gum recession or have concerns about your gum tissue, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Gum Grafting at South Gate Dental Clinic: Enhancing Your Smile with Precision
Gum grafting, also known as gingival grafting or periodontal plastic surgery, is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring gum tissue that has been lost or damaged due to gum recession or other factors. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our experienced periodontists specialize in gum grafting procedures to improve gum health and aesthetics. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of gum grafting, the conditions it addresses, and how our skilled team ensures optimal outcomes for our patients.


Laser Gum Therapy

Laser gum therapy at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a gentle, effective, and minimally invasive approach to treating gum disease and improving gum health. If you're experiencing symptoms of gum disease or have concerns about your gum health, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Laser Gum Therapy at South Gate Dental Clinic: Transforming Periodontal Care with Precision and Comfort
Laser gum therapy, also known as laser-assisted periodontal therapy or laser periodontal treatment, is a cutting-edge approach to treating gum disease and improving gum health. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our skilled team harnesses the power of advanced laser technology to provide patients with gentle and effective periodontal care. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of laser gum therapy, the conditions it addresses, and how our experienced periodontists ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.


Arestin Antibiotics

Arestin antibiotics at South Gate Dental Clinic offer a targeted and effective treatment option for gum disease, promoting gum healing and optimal oral health. If you're experiencing symptoms of gum disease or have concerns about your gum health, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Arestin Antibiotics: Enhancing Gum Disease Treatment with Precision
Arestin antibiotics are a targeted treatment option for gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our skilled team utilizes Arestin antibiotics as part of a comprehensive approach to combat gum disease and promote optimal oral health. In this article, we'll explore how Arestin antibiotics work, their benefits, and how our experienced periodontists ensure effective outcomes for our patients.


Ridge Augmentation

Ridge augmentation at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a reliable solution to restore bone structure and support dental implants with precision and care. If you're considering dental implant treatment or have concerns about bone volume in the jaw, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced oral surgeons.

Ridge Augmentation at South Gate Dental Clinic: Building a Solid Foundation for Dental Implants
Ridge augmentation is a dental procedure aimed at restoring or augmenting the bone structure in the jaw to create a stable foundation for dental implants. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our experienced oral surgeons specialize in ridge augmentation techniques to ensure optimal outcomes for patients seeking dental implant treatment. In this article, we'll explore how ridge augmentation works, its benefits, and how our skilled team ensures precise and effective treatment.

Ridge Augmentation

Pinhole Surgery

Pinhole surgery at South Gate Dental Clinic offers a minimally invasive and effective solution for treating gum recession and restoring gum health and aesthetics. If you're experiencing gum recession or have concerns about your gum health, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced periodontists.

Pinhole Surgery at South Gate Dental Clinic: Restoring Gum Health with Precision and Comfort
Pinhole surgery, also known as the Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST), is an innovative and minimally invasive procedure for treating gum recession. At South Gate Dental Clinic, our skilled periodontists specialize in pinhole surgery as a gentle and effective solution for restoring gum health and aesthetics. In this article, we'll explore how pinhole surgery works, its benefits, and how our experienced team ensures optimal outcomes for our patients.

Pinhole Surgery

Ready to transform your smile and enhance your oral health?
Call now to schedule your appointment with our expert dental team.

(323) 999-BEST

Contact Us
Get Directions Now!
South Gate Dental Clinic
8617 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280, USA

We provide comprehensive dental care in a warm and welcoming environment. Come visit us today! Your smile is our top priority.


Contact Info

  • 8617 California Ave.
    South Gate, CA
  • Phone: (310) 666-5701
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